A proven commitment with a solid record of speaking truth to power.


Founder Richard Stellar's mother was an iconic member of the motion picture industry.  In her last years, she was dependent on the care that she helped to create and sustain at The Motion Picture Home.  When that care was threatened with a new regime that would deny motion picture and television industry elderly the guaranteed care that they were paid into, Stellar and others created the grassroots movement called Taking Care of Our Own and pressured the powers that be to return long term care.  That movement was hugely successful and from that, Stellar took his band of merry men and women on to other campaigns that addressed anti-Semitism, racism, intolerance and giving voice to the voiceless.  Onward!

Our #FeedItForward bags brings shelf-stable foods, high-quality protein drinks, canned proteins, snacks, goodies and personal care items to a growing number of homeless individuals and families that make the streets their home.  Our bags contain*:

  1. High Quality Proteins: Kirkland, Chicken of the Sea, Wild Planet, Starkist Tuna or Chicken - Amy's Soups - Cattle Drive Canned Chili - Jif's Peanut Butter and other proteins.  Delicious stuff!
  2. Premiere Protein Drinks: Chocolate, Vanilla, Peaches and Creme, Caramel and other flavor profiles.  30g of protein with no artificial growth hormones.
  3. Shelf Stable Organic Whole Milk, Hershey's Chocolate Milk and Yoo-Hoo Chocolate Drink.
  4. National Brand Snacks:  Baked Cheetohs, Fritos, Lay's Chips and other popular brands
  5. Fruit:  Mott's Assorted Fruit, Canned Peaches, Fresh Fruit, Dried Fruit
  6. Goodies:  Yes!  Rice Krispie Treats, Kirkland Chewy Protein Bars, Knott's Berry Farm Cookies, Peanut Butter Filled Pretzels, Fruit Squeeze Bags
  7. Carbs:  Kraft Macaroni and Cheese, Brown Rice Cups, 
  8. Personal Care:  Toilet Paper, Masks, Disinfectants, Eye Wash, Body Wash
  9. Thank You! to FoodCycleLA, Trader Joe's, Bristol Farms, Costco and West Valley Food Pantry

* We are always shopping for fresh, delicious and needed items.  We reserve the right to swap out items for what is available.

We also have Kosher Bags, Hispanic Flavor Profile Bags, Diabetic Friendly Bags, Gluten-Free Bags.  Just let us know what you need.  Send an e-mail to richard@mankindinitiative.org if you'd like to set up a #FeedItForward program for your community.

HB610 is a scurrilous piece of legislation that sought to defund inner city after-school programs that included services for latch-key children.  We started a campaign that got almost 13,000 signatures pleading with legislators to not vote for this bill.  We convinced them!  HB610 would have:

  1. Ended field trips that brought inner city kids to Holocaust Museums.  The biggest weapon we have in our arsenal against anti-Semitism is the relationship that young African-American children make with Holocaust survivor docents who lead these tours.
  2. Ended nutritional programs that fed inner city kids
  3. Stopped after school programs that kept kids off the streets and in school, learning about things that interested them.
  4. Put an end to athletic programs and intramural sports

Swades will ensure that every household in its geography has a toilet and receives 200 litres of potable water/ day through taps installed at homes.

  1. Constructed toilets in 23,489 homes; plan to build ~1,333 more toilets in this year.
  2. 1,253 hamlets are verified as open defecation free (ODF).
  3. Built 653 drinking water schemes with taps in 33,841 homes impacting ~156,000 lives & trained 455 water committees for effectively sustaining water project
  4. Built drinking water and sanitation facilities in 172 schools

We are returning to our program that tried to bring #MitzvahMail packages to impoverished Holocaust survivors in Israel.  As hard as we tried we were not successful in making an impact.  We are going to return to this challenge.